The Rest of the Story

Many older folks remember “The Rest of the Story” a Monday-through-Friday radio program hosted by Paul Harvey.   The Rest of the Story consisted of stories presented as little-known or forgotten facts on a variety of subjects with some key element of the story (usually the name of some well-known person) held back until the end. The broadcasts always concluded with a variation on the tag line, "And now you know...the rest of the story."(Wikipedia)

Recently I have been reflecting on the statement, The Rest of the Story. So many thoughts fill my mind.

  • It was Friday, Jesus Christ had been crucified on a Roman Cross and died, seemingly, all hope was lost, however, in three days……the rest of the story…. He arose, defeated sin, death and the devil and offered us the gift of forgiveness from our sins and a new life.

  • James Stockdale, Navy vice admiral and aviator awarded the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War, during which he was a prisoner of war for over seven years. He was the most senior naval officer held captive in Hanoi, North Vietnam. He said, I never lost faith. Eight years later, he was released…. the rest of the story.

  • In America, we live in a very biased media environment, not knowing what is reported is true or not. We watch mainstream news during the mornings, and much of it is slanted toward liberal views, however, at night we watch a conservative view of the news to learn……… the rest of the story.

  • Principally through social media I have observed the lives of childhood classmates, friends and family who have testified of having been transformed by God’s goodness. It delights my soul as I observe in their lives ……. the rest of the story.  

  • Covaid-19 has affected all of us for several weeks with caution and concern of this world pandemic Soon we will be able to tell…… the rest of the story.

  • Hope doesn’t go to sleep just because it’s dark outside; it lights a candle and stays up waiting for the rest of the story (Bob Goff)

  • Most of us have experienced times in our lives where we have traveled the valleys of fear, bad decisions, shame, discouragement, sin management, dark nights of the soul, carelessly running into the walls of self-destruction. To you, as well as myself, refuse to let the past define you.  There is help from a God who unconditionally loves you (us), the Lord Jesus Christ, who not only died for our sins but our shame as well. He gave us worth and an individual destiny so that we can live out a positive, Christ honoring life………for the rest of the story.



Churched Out :)


Compassion Fatigue