The Reasons Why August 11 is so Special to Me

I am a very grateful man for many reasons and August 11 always reminds me of how blessed I am. Below are the reasons......

·       It was on August 11 many years ago that a clear presentation of the Gospel (Death, Burial & Resurrection of Jesus Christ) was presented to me. Under great conviction I trusted Jesus as my Savior and He gave me not only eternal life but imparted to me His own identity so that I could love and receive love as well as to live out a destiny that He chose for me from the foundations of the world. Today according to Galatians 2:20, I am “Christ in Me” What a God!

·       I’m grateful for everyone that the dear Lord has placed on my pathway to help me live out what I have in Him. My total life is dependent on Him and I trust Him in every season of life. However, he uses people to help us stay focused when we fail, make bad decisions and scar our testimonies. What a God!

·       I’m grateful for a sweet, loving wife, and family who encourages me, prays for me and loves me unconditionally.

·       I’m grateful for the span of over 50 years of learning how to do the Christian life from Zuni, to Richmond, to Powhatan, back to Richmond, to Indiana, to Suffolk, to Woodstock Georgia to Lynchburg Virginia. What a ride, and what a learning process. God has loved, protected and guided in some of the most vulnerable moments that I have ever experienced.

·       I’m grateful for every church I have pastored and every student with whom I have instructed.

·       Today, I can say that there is no time in my entire life that I feel more excited about my God, His church, His Word, His people and His plan for my life. Today, I live in the freedom that Galatians 5:1 refers to.

It would be difficult to fill in the blanks to all that has occurred, but my concluding thoughts would be that God has been tremendously good to me. To Him be the Glory


Try Giving Yourself Away

